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Transform the way you cook within seconds!


Lets get to know you

How many locations do you operate?
What size grill(s) do you have?
What make/model grill(s) do you have?
What type of operation
How much time do you spend cleaning grease from your back wall and behind your grill?
What ingredients do you use most on the grill?
Are these ingredients within arms reach?
Do you clean your back wall daily?
How important is a quality product?
Would your staff benefit from a clutter-free grill station
Would a streamlined grill area help you achieve faster ticket times?
Would you add extra shelving if it made your kitchen more organized?
Would having accessories and ingredients within reach make the rush easier?
Would you install a raised backsplash if it prevented grease splatter and minimized cleaning time?
Would you be interested in a product that installs effortlessly, no drilling or permanent mounting needed?
What would a perfect flat-top grill solution look like to you?
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